About Consumer Monitoring System ( CMS ): Power Theft Monitoring
Consumer Monitoring System initially developed for Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited (formally known as UGVCL ) which is one of the Power Distribution Company ( DISCOM) of the Gujarat State. UGVCL Supplies power to 28 lac, domestic, non domestic, small/medium/ large industrial and agricultural consumers of north Gujarat. Since the year 2001 earstwhile GEB (Gujarat Electric City Board) has started computerized billing. The large billing database is available.
It has been realized that the billing data available can be useful to the company in many a ways like revenue protection activities, T&D Loss reduction, Vigilance activities, consumer satisfaction,Power Theft Monitoring etc.
Hence it has been decided to use this data base & design various analysis/ reports that are useful to the company. The system such design is helpful in monitoring of consumer consumption.
Details of Consumer Monitoring System
Consumer Monitoring System is web based system/application designed by AIM Infotech. It is designed using Open source technology like PHP and Mysql Database Server.
Consumer Monitoring System provides complete billing history of LT Consumer on desk of each employee. Vigilance department analyzing analysis report of the system to monitor consumption pattern of each consumer. System provides all analysis and detail of consumer consumption like Route code, village, feeder, Zero consumption, Lock Consumer, Faulty Meter consumer, Load analysis, Tariff Analysis etc.
Why Need Power Theft Monitoring System ( Consumer Monitoring System)
UGVCL has 180 feeder with losses above 30%
UGVCL has 116 Sub-divisions.
More than 23 lacs consumer data
More than 3600 11 KV feeders
Large number of unmetered Agriculture consumers
Every month billing of about 15 lacs consumers being done.
Billing is done in different platform which requires integration with this system.
Energy accounting DTC wise is required.
Monitoring of Feeder loads is limited.
Network improvements are planned on arbitrary data
Following key analysis is available in the software.
Faulty Meter Analysis- Cycle Wise, Feeder Wise, Village wise, Book Wise
Locked Meter Analysis- Cycle Wise, Feeder Wise, Village wise, Book Wise
Zero Consumption Analysis- Cycle Wise, Feeder Wise, Village wise, Book Wise
Distribution transformer wise energy accounting.
Late billing report.
Consumer sealing records can be created & maintained.
Checking Records can be created & maintained.
Wrap Meter Monitoring
Slab wise Consumption Analysis
Village wise consumption analysis
Feeder wise & Village wise consumption analysis
Consumer PDC to Normal List
Released connection list
Pending Quality Meter Replacement List
Consumer Position/Consumption/Load Analysis feeder wise/ village wise
Whole Consumer List
Feeder Wise Consumer List
HP Wise Consumer List
Village Wise Consumer List
Faulty Consumer List
Locked Consumer List
Zero Consumption List
PDC Consumer list
Unconnected Consumer list
Advantages of Consumer Monitoring System
Consumption history available for each consumer in the form of units, with billing & payment details & in graphical formats.
Revenue enhancement details can be generated from CMS
Consumer Monitoring System is very useful in revenue protection activity like monitoring of Consumption pattern
Faulty meter
Locked Meter
Zero consumption
DT wise energy accounting etc.
Energy accounting up to Distribution transformer level.
Helps in Reduction of AT&C Losses
The analysis can be done feeder wise/ Village wise/ DT wise and even upto consumer wise.
Similar type of consumers clubbed in different group to monitor consumption pattern to find out any malpractice/ deviation in consumption pattern.
Helps for vigilance activities to identify probable theft.
The route wise analysis gives the facility to virtually move in the field route wise i.e. society wise/ commercial complex etc to identify probable theft.
Consumer consumption and all Monitoring reports available on Desk of your computer ……anytime
Consolidation of Reports at various level like SDO/DO/CO and Corporate Office available online
Data Comparison available for Division to Division, circle to circle
Analyzed data and Monitoring of any SDO/DO/CO & Corporate Office available on desk of DE EE SE ACE CE MD
Better consumer services through software